
Archive for February 11th, 2014

I was sad for the last 12 to 15 hours or so over the Grounds of Decision which were released for one of our matters.

I am now not sad anymore, mostly because The Buddha made extra effort to cheer me up over lunch and Champagne Truffle took us to this hole in a wall coffee place along the river that had this really kickass coffee that kept me buzzing all afternoon while I devoured all the work I was unable to do while I was sad.

I work with amazing people. I constantly remind myself to be thankful for having them to go everything with. It makes it slightly more bearable.


“We will probably meet like heaps of lawyers there.”
“Then I think we shouldn’t go. Because, you know, I don’t like other people much.”
“That’s like your cat saying that she doesn’t like other cats much.”

But we went anyway and we didn’t run into heaps of lawyers.


I was asked last night how my day was and I tried to tell the person who asked me why I felt so down.

I could tell that by my second sentence, she had lost all interest. Then she proceeded to say that maybe I was feeling like crap because the weather was so hot yesterday afternoon.

That is the reason why I never talk about my work to these people anymore.

I hate it when people ask about my day when they are not actually interested in the answer. I don’t want to feel obliged to package my emotions into a bite-size template answer safe for public consumption.

When I have a shit day, I will say that I have a shit day and I will proceed to tell you why exactly it was such a shit day. If you can’t deal with that, don’t ask.


I started a little photo project over the weekend to take pictures of the things that my kids stop to look at while we wandered around on our various little gallivants.

It is quite eye-opening. Like the following picture of an olive tree:


Lion stopped in his tracks and started laughing at the tree, how it has funny eyes and nose. We pass by this tree so many times and I have never noticed that it looks like an Ent.

Or this frog in the middle of a pond by its lonesome self:


By this time, Peanut and Lion were running out of battery but they still found the energy to stand by that little window into the pond and croaked in unison.

I hope to continue this project on a regular basis. Looking at the pictures at the end of today is doing quite a bit for my sanity.

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I will just never be good enough.

I want to be as light as that cadenza in the first movement of Beethoven's Opus 110, like a thing from Heaven, so fragile, so intangible, so present.

Valentine's Day card from Secretary A 😀

Minion T brought me to this hole in the wall coffee place during lunch.
The coffee is so good that I have been hyper for the last couple of hours.
I am now crashing and nursing a headache. Eeks.

I was sad this morning still from the judgement.
I am not sad anymore. I am just a droid at my table devouring work.
Way to go, Mela. Recovery time is getting shorter and shorter.
Anyway, we're seeing the same three dudes in 2 weeks for the same bleeding file. Potentially plenty of disappointment in the horizon with a long long recovery time. Brace yourself.

Overheard at the taxi stand:
"I don't want to take the train because I am wearing heels. So I don't want to stand"
Spoiled child.

I really don't like people much.

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